Thursday, July 30, 2015

Jewelries Obsession...that's is so me....

Hi Dolls,

I came across this website selling an up-to-date, affordable jewelries, a must-have-kind-of jewelries. There is a lots of selection, trend to begin with, from a necklace, earrings, bracelet, hair accessories and so on...

These a the few jewelries that I am interested buying, but still thinking (as always)...dunno which one to buy hehehe....

If you guys are interested to buy, please click this link below:

There is a lot, a lot of selection....u guys just have to choose which ever design, trend that u like with a very affordable enjoy buying (dun wori raya is still on, plus u can wear with your daily OOTD :))

Enjoy guys....

Stay tune...

Luv u...muah...muah

After so long.....

Hi dolls,

First of all, rina nak mintak maaf byk2 sbb da lama sangat tak menghupdate blog kesayangan ku ini...well, to be honest rina mmg tak cukup masa, tak cukup tangan nak melawat kawasan hehehe...

Apa2 pun, masih belum terlewat utk rina mengucapkan selamat hari raya aidilfitri to all muslim readers, maaf zahir dan batin jikalau ada kesilapan dan kesalahan, terkasar bahasa dan sebagainya...

Stay tune for more updates...

Luv u...muah...muah

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