It has been quite sometime I've been so quite, not blogging much lately due to my not-feeling-well-
conditions-hormonal-changes condition....
But, I am BACK now, oh-how-i-miss-blogging okay...
Well, actually i got a surprised good news to share with all my beautiful readers...jeng jeng jeng....
After keeping a mum for about 2months, i am proudly announce to u ols that I AM PREGNANT!!!
fuihhh, statement macam retis (retis ke aku nie?? confius jap hehehe)
Anyway, rina just wanted to share this good news with u ols yg setia mengikuti blog rina, so u ols ni rina da anggap cam family alam maya rina...benda baik mmg seharusnya dikongsi bersama, betul tak??
So, yesterday evening went for my check-up with my beloved gynae, Dato' Dr. Ashar (he's is such a nice guy, soft spoken, very details and of course he's very very good dr, if not rina tak pilih dia lah kan)...Dr. Ashar ni gak yg sambut anak rina yg ke-3 aritu, so rina just stick with him...
Well, to be honest rina actually quite shocked that i'm pregnant again...very the productive (ni gara-gara korset DX la ni, hot sangat perasan jap hihihi). To tell u ols the truth, rina had 3 c-section (all my boys due to my pelvic very small, i dont understand why..i got such ermmm how to say, quite a size of b*m, but ended up tulang pelvic ku kecik, so lemak je yg lebih...haa gitu) and ectopic pregnancy plus cyst (my left side of my ovary has to be removed coz of the 5cm cyst) so tinggal ovary yg belah kanan tu je... So chances to be pregnant again tu ada tapi not 100% maybe ada 70%-80%...itulah sebabnya rina ni terkezut beruk...
Tapi, syukur alhamdulillah kepada Allah swt kerana memberi rina rezeki yg tak putus-putus, bagi rina peluang sekali lagi mengandung, bagi rina kesihatan yg baik dan segala-galanya...syukur amin...
Now, rina da 9weeks along (kira dlm 2bulan gitu) far alhamdulillah, no morning sickness (to be honest, rina mmg x pernah ada morning sickness sejak pregnant anak pertama), cuma xde selera makan je, pastu muka ku ini da xde seri (baby girl ke??) tua2 ckp kalo kita pregnant baby girl, abis seri muka kita ni dia amik...sbb kwn2 kat opis ni asyik tegur je, sejak pregnant ni muka aku xde berseri2 seperti selalu (perasan sunguhhh)...berkemungkinan kah??? Atau kene makan kuih seri muka byk2?? hehehehe...
This is my little one inside my tummy...hi there...
9weeks along |
Rina will updates u with more stories okay...
Luv u...muah...muah...