Hi Dolls....
It has been quite sometimes since the last time Rina updated my blog.....
So many things happened lately....but to all my beautiful readers, Rina just nak share something very special...
My eldest son, Raiyan Imran telah dianugerahkan "Pelajar Terbaik Kelas" for the year 2012...of course as a parent, am a little bit surprise with his accomplishment throughout his year as a Standard 1 student...
As a parent, Rina n En. Hubby tak terlalu mengongkong atau mendesak suruh belajar btul2 after all bru standard 1, blh rileks2, enjoy2...
To my dearest son, Raiyan Imran mama n papa are so PROUD of you...You such a wonderful son to us...
There is nothing in the world could express our feeling towards you...I luv u so much...
Enjoy d pictures.....